
Saturday, June 15, 2013

Tulika Booktalk

World Environment Day

One cool evening on June 8, Ashvita in R.K Salai was filled with little nature lovers. Tulika celebrated World Environment Day with author and journalist, Aravind Krish Bala, who was excited to share his adventures. This interactive session was filled with questions and loads of laughter. Aravind has published two books with Tulika, Black Panther and Magnificent Makhna. Both stories are inspired by true events.

Aravind with the kids at Ashvita

When the author asked the kids what they would do if they were in a forest and suddenly came across a panther or any animal, one of them said that he would take the animal by its tail and fling it far away just like the character Kari does in the book!

The second half of the session with Magnificent Makhna was highly interactive with the kids coming up with apt and crisp definitions for some words in the book. Poacher: someone who illegally hunts animals. Tranquillizer: an injection that puts an animal to sleep. But when asked what is the government? They said Jayalalithaa!

Stitching Stories

Bookworm, Goa, recently began a collaborative patchwork workshop based on Nina Sabnani's Stitching Stories and Mukand and Riaz. Stitching Stories looks at the evolution of narrative art through stitches and Mukand and Riaz uses the art of applique work commonly used in India and Pakistan.

Busy stitching
Each individual works on an individual piece of cloth. A banyan tree is the centre; the vine that will hold together all the different pieces of cloth. Read their post to see what they've worked on so far!

And the story begins

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